Our annual Club Champion competition is open to all financial members. Please see attached rules for more detail.

  • Date:01-07-2024 06:00 - 30-06-2025 17:00
  • Location

This event is valid throughout the membership year to all financial members of the club.


Port Hedland Game Fishing Club Champion 2024/25 Season

This is the annual competition to determine our club champions Male, Female and Junior for our membership year, which runs from 1 July 2024 through to 30 June 2025.

This competition is free and open to all financial members of the Port Hedland Game Fishing Club.

Captures are to take place in Pilbara waters, between Balla Balla and Cape Keraudren, and no further than 55 nautical miles out to sea. Captures can occur at any time during the season, excluding catch and release monthly competitions and the clubs two (2) major tournaments, the Blue Water Classic and the PilBarra Tournament. Target species caught during the Monthly Members' Competitions, except for the designated target species for that month, are eligible for the Club Champion Competition. All eligible fish species must be captured on rod and reel (no line classes to apply). Captures made prior to becoming a financial member will not be eligible.

All captures are to be photographed on a brag mat or a device that can be easily read by the weighmaster which clearly shows the length of the fish.

All photographs must be 1MB or smaller in size, contain a time/date stamp and be forwarded to weighmaster@phgfc.com.au promptly. Photos sent by text message will not be accepted. Any photographs deemed unacceptable because of age or lack of clarity will not be accepted (this is at the discretion of the Weighmaster). If the device used to take the photograph does not have the facility to display date/time, please send it by email, and attend the next member’s comp weigh in for verification of metadata of the photograph by a committee member. If you have not received acknowledgement of receipt of your entry within 14 days of submitting it, please contact the Weighmaster on 0415 890 314.

Points will be allocated on a point per cm basis for each eligible species.

Champion Anglers male, female & junior will be determined by the total points across all eligible species captured by the angler for the season. Upgrades will be allowed (if an angler captures a larger fish of the same species later in the year it will be accepted). Only one fish per species will count towards determining the champion angler.

In the event of a tie, it will be deemed that the angler who presented their photographs first will be the winner.

Eligible Species List



Spanish Flag


Black Jewfish

Coral Trout





Red Emperor





Blue Lined Emperor


Mangrove Jack



Prizes will be awarded for the largest of each eligible species caught during the year and for each champion angler. Announcement of winners & presentation of prizes will be at the end of the membership year in 2025 – date to be confirmed.

Print version available here: PHGFC Club Champion 2024.2025.pdf